11 Best Web Design Blogs to Follow

“Blogging is to writing what extreme sports are to athletics: more free-form, more accident-prone, less formal, more alive. It is, in many ways, writing out loud.”
– Andrew Sullivan

Web Design Blogs have always been an important part of my life. From the first day when I started working as a Frontend Developer, I started reading Web Design Blogs. Being a fresher, you don’t have full 8 hours of the task every day, so you can manage time and read blogs. Studying and Learning from Web Design Blogs is much better than reading Developer Handbooks and lengthy books with titles like ‘Basics of Web Design’ or ‘Basics of Java’. Believe me, they aren’t that basic. They have mentioned each and everything in details, even though it’s not required. Also, reading some topics you might not understand what actually they are trying to convey you.

I personally recommend you to read Web Design Blogs, at least read two posts per day. This will help you improve your knowledge and excite you to learn new web design trends. I have listed some of the web design blogs that I personally read and they have always helped me a lot in being a good Web Designer/Web Developer.


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